Giving you the inspiration and support you need to reach your full potential

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Personal Best Challenge

Set your goals and log your achievements with ‘Personal Best Challenge Planner’

Share your success, and inspire others to follow!

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  • long walk

    i would like to keep myself active whilst im trying to get back on track and be healthy in every way, and walking is something i really enjoy and want to treat myself to :-)

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  • Thursday

    AS results day!

    picking up my exam results wish me luck!x

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  • No more purgeing !

    I hate it, it makes me feel like crap, it traps me in the cycle, it stops me from going out in the day, it bloats me, hurts my eyes and throat and stomach and back, nothing good comes from it.

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  • Home alone all day without B/P

    First day at home all day alone, goal is to keep it up and not B or P all day!

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  • Day 5 of being B/P free

    4 consecutive days of being B/P free! :) today is day 5! :)

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  • First walk

    Went for a long walk after being Binge purge free for 3 days. I just wanted to keep walking and walking every step I felt stronger like I was walking away from bulimia and stamping on her every step xxxxx

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Welcome to My Personal Best

My Personal Best gives inspiration and support to help all young people reach their full potential. This website has been created by volunteers aged 25 and under and is being continually developed and managed by a Steering Group of volunteers in an effort to help other young people boost their self esteem in a safe and supportive online environment.

With the Personal Best Challenge Planner you can set goals that are relevant to you and chart progress towards your achievements - and is particularly useful as an aid to therapy. You can also check out downloadable resources written by volunteers as well as chat with other young people on Live Chat and on the message boards about issues that matter to you. We are a thriving community that exists to assist individuals help themselves and others.

Beat, the UK's campaigning eating disorder charity,  was funded by vinspired to create opportunities for volunteers from all walks of life to make their mark on the year-long My Personal Best project. The website has received so much positive feedback that we've decided to keep it going to help more young people!

Latest news

Eating disorders aren't all about appearance!

July 23, 2012

Laura Yates, My Personal Best volunteer, tells us about her experience of Anorexia and the common misconception that eating disorders are just about the way you look.

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Jubilee Thames Pageant event

June 15, 2012

Young Ambassador, Laura, tells us about her experience of taking part in the Jubilee celebrations with Beat. Read on to find out how she got on...

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Naomi reaches out to My Personal Best website users

May 18, 2012

Beat Young Ambassador, Naomi, would like to introduce herself to our My Personal Best users - say hello!

Read the full story

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