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Future beat Young Ambassador


Total Posts: 6
Joined: May 2011

Hi my name is Michael
I am hoping to start my beat young ambassador training after the new year.
Can anyone give me some advice please.
Because I am bit shy

Posted on December 29, 2011 at 11:35 PM
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3 Replies


Total Posts: 1
Joined: Apr 2011

re: Future beat Young Ambassador

Hi Michael!

I'm Caroline and I have been a BYA since Feb of last year. I haven't done that much as an ambassador yet as I am preparing for my exams and I had a bit of a slip up in the summer...also, it is because I too am quite shy!

Being a Young Ambassador is wonderful. A lot of people at the training days know each other either through treatment or through work as an Ambassador, but they are always really friendly to people, such as myself, who are newbies. I get sent quite a lot of emails with media opportunities or research opportunities and really it is up to you how much you do.

I am so glad I became a Young Ambassador as I feel empowered to talk and campaign about eating disorders and I also feel extremely motivated in my own recovery. I'm sure you'll like it too. If you want to know anything else or sent me a message on FB, just ask


Posted on January 07, 2012 at 12:51 PM


Total Posts: 6
Joined: May 2011


HI Caroline

Thanks for the replay

how many male beat young ambassador are there

did you get my messgage on facebook

Posted on January 10, 2012 at 2:45 PM


Total Posts: 10
Joined: Jan 2011

re: Future beat Young Ambassador

Hi Mikey, I'm a Beat ambassador too and I've been with them for just over a year and a half now - I was really nervous at my first meeting too but everyone is really friendly and will make you feel welcome. You say that you are quite shy, don't worry about tha at all, so many people have really blossomed as Beat ambassadors, often at meetings we divide into small groups for discussion and there's no pressure to speak out until you feel comfortable. Being an ambassador has really helped my self confidence and has enabled me to do things that I never would have dreamed of doing when I started as an ambassador (talking to people in schools and educating teachers on eds and peer pressure etc). With regards to males, I know of at least 3 other male BYAs but I am sure there are more - it would be really great if we did have more as Beat are eager to make their information accessible for all and it would be good to examine eds from a male perspective too Hope this is helpful! Maybe I will see you at a future meeting
Eva xxx

Posted on February 12, 2012 at 4:38 PM