June 2011 Volunteers' Questionnaire

Please find our June 2011 Questionnaire below that we'd be ever so grateful if you could take a few minutes to fill out. We need your input to make My Personal Best as good as it can be and want as many young people from different walks of life to participate in volunteering opportunities as possible!

Why did you decide to volunteer?
What do you like best about volunteering?
How do you think volunteering aids you?
How do you think volunteering aids other young people?
What do you think are the benefits of joining an online community which celebrates personal achievements?
What transferable skills have you gained through volunteering?
How do you think we can promote volunteering opportunities to different BME (Black Minority Ethnic) groups and to LBGT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual) young people?

April - June 2011 Project Survey

We need to evaluate the forth quarter of this project and need your help in doing it. We need to know if the project is running in the right way and that you are getting a positive experience out of it. It is two halves so please complete both - thank you! 

Your development

Do you think that you have gained skills between April - June 2011? *
If you have gained skills, have they been? *
 Communication skills
 Writing skills
 Online skills
 Mentoring skills
 Media production skills (photography, podcasts, video)
 Reporting skills
 Analytical skills
 Time management skills
 I haven't developed any
If you have developed skills, how have these skills been developed?
Would you like to develop these skills more?
We hope by building new skills, highlighting your achievements and being part of the project that your self esteem will increase. Could you please rate your self esteem? (1 is low, 5 is high) *
Have you gained / developed any of the following through volunteering? *
 Employabilty skills
 Increased self-esteem
 Work experience
 The feeling that I have given something back to society
We want to know what barriers you might be experiencing that you feel prevent you from achieving your best. We can help you to create information for the website to guide you and others. Which of the following do you consider a barrier? *
 Lack of self-confidence
 Lack of support from friends
 Lack of support from family
 Lack of understanding from the people around you
 Fear of failure
 Lack of opportunities
Is there anything else that you would like to say about your development?

Project development

When you have made contact about the project have you received a reply within a reasonable amount of time? *
When you have submitted a completed exercise have you been thanked? *
Have you seen your material on the website? *
Do you feel that the project is focussed on young people? *
Do you think that there is enough content by young people on the site? *
Do you think that the website has reached its goal of being created by young people for young people? *
Have you been kept up to date with project developments? *
Do you think that your volunteering role has been clear? *
Do you feel that you are able to voice your ideas and opinions? *
Are you happy with the quantity of volunteering activities you are being given? *
Do you understand what the projects key aims and objectives are? *
Is there anything else you would like to say about the project development?
Is there anything else you would like to say about the project development?

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  • #BodyGossip needs *your* stories about *your* bodies for their book - see latest news on https://mypersonalbest.org.uk/ to find out more!
  • 'There's nothing wrong with you. There's a lot wrong with the world you live in' - Chris Colfer #thinkpositive

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