There are over 1.6 million people in the UK afftected by eating disorders. Every month, hundreds of these turn to beat for support and understanding.
Why become a member?
Becoming a member of My beat offers you the opportunity to become more involved in our work, to join a network of support and information and to access the latest news and advances in research.
To celebrate their 21st birthday beat are offfering a special introductory annual membership rate of £21 and for one price you will receive:
- Your own password and access to the My beat members website
- The chance to take part in help and support surgeries with members of the beat team
- Regular e-nesletters, including the opportunity to take part in research and join campaigns
- Invitations to supporter events
- Opportunities to take part in fundraising
- Invitations to take part in surveys and questionnaires
- Access to information about the latest support, information and advice
- The opportuntity to vote at our Annual General Meeting
- Our quarterly membership magazine Upbeat
Please complete the following form with your order and post to beat, Prince of Wales Road, Norwich NR1 1DW
Membership leaflet 2010 splits.pdf